Friday 9 August 2013

Coventry Market: making sense of shopping

As anyone who knows me will testify, I'm a bit of a fan of shopping locally in general and of Coventry Market in particular. I think market shopping is more fun than trawling around a supermarket, but it's also a lot cheaper. Partly that's because, unless you're more disciplined than I am, it's very difficult to buy only what you need at a supermarket   - but mostly because it's much, much cheaper. 

Today I spent around £12.50 and bought:

0.8 kg bacon
Pork hock
0.5 kg ox liver
Filet of natural smoked haddock 
1.5kg potatoes
3 punnets strawberries
13 apples
6 large tomatoes 
Bag of white onions
2 bunches of spring onions

I compared the prices of the apples, bananas, strawberries, tomatoes, spring onions and bacon to Tesco Online (before getting bored) and, for their cheapest items, I'd have paid £12.97 rather than the fiver that they cost me at the Market. 

This is hardly a scientific survey - and I got a great deal on the strawberries and spring onions, but I think it's pretty compelling. 

Shop at the market!!

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