Sunday 1 September 2013

Smoked Paprika & Chilli Roasted Potatoes

We all love roast potatoes, but that doesn't mean they're beyond improvement. I like to give my potatoes a bit of zing once in a while and these potatoes are going to be perfect with a bargain free range chicken with a rather nice sage & apple stuffing. Life would've been better if the chicken had its giblets, but hey ho.


2 tablespoons oil - I used rapeseed as short of olive oil
Teaspoon smoked paprika
Pinch of hot chilli powder
Good pinch of onion powder
Sea salt
Black pepper

Cut the potatoes into small chunks. I went for skin on, but peel away if you prefer. Boil for a few minutes, turn off the heat and leave in the water to cook further. 

Pour oil into a large mixing bowl and add the paprika, onion powder and chilli. Mix well. 

Drain the potatoes and put them in the bowl with the seasoned oil. Stir vigorously. Decant into a roasting tin. Season with the sea salt and pepper. 

Pop into a hot oven - 220 or 200 if using a fan oven. They'll need to be stirred a couple of times during cooking. 

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