Sunday 22 December 2013

Quick, Easy, Cointreau Mincemeat

I bastardised several Googled recipes for this, looking to make some last minute mince pies and, possibly, a mincemeat & apple pie for Boxing Day. 

  • 1 bag of Sainbury's Basics mixed fruit
  • 1 tub chopped candied mixed peel
  • 1tub glacĂ© cherries, chopped 
  • 2 small apples, cored and chopped small 
  • Glug of rum 
  • 150ml Cointreau 
  • zest of 1 lemon, juice of same
  • 200g shredded veggie suet
  • 200g dark brown sugar
  • ½ small nutmeg, grated, or to taste

Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl apart from the Cointreau and the rum. Add about 100 ml of the Cointreau, give it a good stir and leave overnight. If you're in a hurry ignore the resting bit. 

In the morning heat in a pan on a low heat until the suet is melted, stirring hard and often. I used veggie suet as I have veggie guests coming for Xmas. 

Stir the mix often as it cools. When cooled add the rest of the Cointreau and the rum. Stir some more. Eat small spoonfuls to ensure no more alcohol is needed. 


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